Note: To learn where settings are stored, please read the bottom of this page.

Settings Window

This page contains detailed information about the various settings in the Replace Genius Settings window.

Settings :: Renaming

Only rename selected - Only rename the files that are selected. Otherwise, all listed files will be renamed.

Rename all if nothing is selected. - If 'only rename selected' is on and no files are selected, all files will be renamed anyway if this is on. Having both these options turned on is the most intuitive way of working.

If filename already exists - File systems do not allow duplicate filenames. If Replace Genius tries to ename a file and another file with the same name already exists, what do you want it to do? You can choose to either skip it and show a warning in the log window, or to add a number at the end of the filename, for example Filename (2).exe. Or you can choose to add this number but also show a warning in the log.

Warn about changing file extensions. - Since changing the file extension may cause files to not open correctly, Replace Genius normally gives a warning when you attempt to do this. If you do not know what a file extension is, I do not recommend turning this option off, nor changing any file extensions!

Automaticall close log window after execution - If you think it's annoying to have to close the log window by hand after each execution you can mark this option and the program will do it for you!

Don't close if an error occured - To make sure that you don't miss when error occur, enable this.

Hide log in rename window - If you don't want to see the list of files that are renamed, uncheck this box.

Show full path in log - This can be useful if you are saving the log and want to know exactly what happened. Note: The global log always stores full paths.

Save log to file - If this is enabled, Replace Genius will write down all filename changes to a log file.

Settings :: Startup

Open last folder at startup - If this is checked, Replace Genius will at startup automatically go to the last folder you worked in.

Uncheck "Subfolders" at startup - Listing subfolders can be very slow, due to the large amount of files they can contain. This security option will always turn off the subfolder feature, thus reducing the risk of painfully long startup times.

Reset pattern mask to *.* at startup - The file patters determines what kind of files are to be listed. Usually it is set to *.* which lists all files, but sometimes you may want to change it to e.g. *.jpg or similar. It is a common mistake to forget resetting it afterwards, and when you start it up again you can't figure out why Replace Genius is not listing all files. This options fixes that problem for you!

Uncheck "Include Filter & Pre-Processor" at startup - It is easy to forget that you used these the last time and left them enabled, which can be very confusing the next time you start Replace Genius and it does not behave like you think it should.

Clear function input fields on startup - Enable this to clear all input fields at startup. Can be useful if you are concerned about privacy, or if you want the interface to be "clean" each time you start.

Clear input field "drop down" histories - The text field histories contains the 20 last used texts. If you are concerned about privacy you can enable this option. This includes the history if visited folders.

Settings :: Display

Columns - Here you can enable addition columns if you want more information about your files. By default the three columns "Filename", "Preview" and "Path" are on.

Show Guidelines - Guidelines helps you see the list content more clearly.

Full Row Select - Normally you must click on the filename to select it. This option allows you to click anywhere on the row to select the file.

Draw gray background on every other row - Makes it easier to follow the list rows across the screen.

Always show folder icons - Checking this option will allow you to navigate your harddrive using the listview even if folders are not selected to be processed. Only works in file browser mode.

Keep file order after execution - If you want the program to remember the order of the files after execution you can mark this option. Note that this can be quite slow if you have more that a couple of hundred files. If you don't move any files around the program will however not try to re-order them, so normally you can have this option turned on without any slowdowns.

Add black border to thumbnails - This option adds a nice looking black border to each thumbnail.

Thumbnail Size - Choose desired size to be used for displaying thumbnails.

Settings :: File System

Show write protected / hidden / system files and folders. - Here you can choose if Replace Genius should include files & folders with certain attributes set, when using file browser mode. By defualt, Replace Genius will include write protected files & folders, but not System or Hidden.

If *both* files & folders are displayed, apply pattern mask to: Files | Folders - With the pattern mask you can decide which files and folders to load. For example *.jpg will only load files with an jpg extension. The default *.* will processes all files. The pattern mask applies to both files and folders if only one is used, but when processing both files and folders it can be desired to only apply the pattern mask to one of these, for example you only want *.jpg to apply to files, not filders.

Note: The pattern mask is located in the main window at the top right, next to the path.

Hide System Folders - This option will prevent Replace Genius to work on certain folders, such as the windows folder (eg "c:\windows") or your program folder (eg "c:\program files"). You should not use Replace Genius on your system folders unless you know exactly what you are doing.

Settings :: Casing Exceptions

Exceptions are words that should always be spelled with a certain case. This is typically used for abbreviations, such a DJ and CD. Also roman numbers, eg III should always be spelled with large letters. Here you can create a list of such words. The list is used by the Casing function.

Settings :: Batch Replace

Batch replace works the same way as Find & Replace, but you can run several replaces in one go! From the settings window you can manage the list of replace commands, by adding, deleting or editing the commands. You can also move them up of down in the list, which can be useful if you want certain commands to be executed before others. The batch replace is executed from the first item and them stepping down in the list.

Tip: If want to add multiple items in one go, use the add button here and separate each item with a colon (:).

Settings :: Shell Integration

Shell Integration

Shell Integration means that you can access Replace Genius functions directly from Windows Explorer. When you right click on files or folders you will see a Replace Genius menu, from which you can quickly access functions or start the program. Very handy!

Settings :: Problem Solver

If you are have some kind of trouble with Flash Renaner, this is a good place to start. Here I have collected various problems and their solutions, as well as shortcuts to the settings folder. Probably to most useful tool is the reset to default settings button, which usually fixes any problems you might have!

Settings :: Advanced Settings

In this list you will find various options and tweaks that change the way Replace Genius behaves. Most users will never need to modify these settings, but power users are given the ability to tweak Replace Genius into perfection!


For reference, here is a list of avilable tweaks: